February 23, 2022

Wollongong Wolves Football Club is excited to announce the appointment of Strebre Delovski as the club’s Chief Executive Officer.

Strebre joins the club as a highly respected member of the Australian football community, having held a variety of senior leadership positions, including most recently as Director of Referees for Football Australia.

Born and bred in Wollongong, Strebre has a thorough understanding of football at all levels of the game, particularly in the Illawarra region. After playing the game through to his teenage years in the Illawarra Premier League, Strebre then focussed on his refereeing career where he became one of Australia’s most respected referees.

In an illustrious refereeing career spanning more than 25 years, Strebre’s career included 140 A-League games (including the 2010 A-League Grand Final), FIFA international referee from 2009-2016 and was voted PFA referee of the decade by A-League players.

Strebre has an intricate understanding of the Club – being a Wollongong resident for his entire life, and a long-term supporter of the Wolves.  Chairman Tory Lavalle said he was delighted Strebre was joining the club.  “On behalf of the Wollongong Wolves Football Club, I would like to officially welcome Strebre as our new CEO,” Chairman Tory Lavalle said.

Lavalle added, “We have a strong desire to continue to improve and move forward as a club. Strebre is highly regarded throughout football, and we believe that he has the ability, desire and respect to improve all facets of the club. It was important to us that a local person take up the position and we believe that Strebre is the perfect fit for the Wolves and the strategic direction the organisation is heading in. We believe that not only will the Wolves benefit, but football in general in our region will benefit from Strebre’s leadership.

Strebre added “I am thrilled to be joining the Wollongong Wolves Football Club. It’s a privilege to have been afforded such a great opportunity to contribute to the Club I support as a local, as well as one that is so rich in history, pride and on-field success.”

Delovski concluded,There is a lot to do, which includes engaging with key stakeholders in the region. However, I am excited at the prospect of delivering a united football family for the Illawarra which we all hope will ultimately lead to an A-League licence for the region.”

Strebre will commence in the role of CEO on 1 March.

Mr Delovski is available for interview and photographs at 1pm at the offices of the Wollongong Wolves FC at the Fraternity Club on Friday 25 February 2022.

For further information please contact Susan Gatt, Administration Manager, Wollongong Wolves Football Club on (02) 4272 2624 or email  admin@wollongongwolves.com.au